
Jews With Power Tools, Oy!

I spent the summer in the woodshed, literally not figuratively. Having sold Lillian Vernon with the Zelnick / Ripplewood folk, I took the opportunity to do something other than jump right back into the working world. I decided to take some time and build myself an Armoire. In and of itself a fairly unremarkable decision.

However, if you are like my friends and family (note: if you are reading this, Google PhD's have determined there is a 99.29387% chance that you are my friends and family) you are probably wondering what a nice Jewish boy is doing with power tools? I say this because every time I told someone that I was building an Armoire they asked "what's a nice Jewish boy doing with power tools? Then they would ask lots of other questions. I wanted to answer these questions and, realizing mailing everyone a letter would dry out my tongue, figured I would write this blog.

The following posts will answer the questions my friends and family have asked, including:

I will also share some of the "Workshop Wisdom ©" I picked up along the way. This is after all a Blog and I think that means ICANN and or Vince Cerf can fine me unless I add my drop of insight into that giant bucket of commentary that is the Blogosphere.

Hints for Readers:

  1. A picture of the finished piece is at the bottom. If you are not among the friends and family that actually want your questions answered and just want to see the darn Armoire you have been hearing about for months (yes, I know, months) …skip ahead.
  2. This blog is best read from top to bottom. Oddly enough, some earlier posts (lower down) reference later posts (toward the top). Don't ask.


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